Monday, 30 September 2013

Population and Settlement French Regime: Canada's Colonization by the French.

 Population and Settlement French Regime: Canada's Colonization by the French.

        In 1534, Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River region in search for the passageway to the route of Asia. France lost interest in the region when Jacques Cartier was not able to find the route of Asia. In 1667, the population was starting to increases in the French colony thanks to the birth incentives and immigration policies. The fisherman sailed the golf of St. Lawrence to communicate withe the Natives and trade withe them.

        In the beginning of the 17th century, the french settled in Canada, they requested permission from the Native's if they can settle at their territory. The French soon realized that they required the Native people's assistance to settled in North America. In 1608, the explorer Samuel de Champlain found Quebec in order to facilitate fur trade with the Amerindians. Chaplain put Sieur de Laviolette, in charger to find a second settlement, in 1634. Sieur de Maisonneuve, founded Ville-Marie close to the Iroquois village of Hochelage along with order.

The Relationships between the French and the Amerindians was great. Since, they traded fur with each other. Later on the French had to go at war withe the Iroquois because for the territory. The war between the Iroquois and the french lasted at least a century. The number of Native population decreased drastically during the french regime. The traditional conflicts between the Europeans, the Amerindians became violent because everyone wanted to trade with the Europeans who gradually supplies the Amerindian with firearm.        

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